
Colourful Conversations is a social enterprise with a scientific mind, a social heart, and creative hands, founded from our experience as parents, life-long learners and passionate community champions.
Creative Director and Founder
Graphic Art Director
 Our Story
By Laura
‘The idea for Colourful Conversations was born during the 2020 Covid 19 lock-down. One day, a few months into ‘home-limited’ schooling whilst also trying to work, feed people and generally keep the peace, I’d had enough. I love my children, but felt exhausted and wanted a break. The effort of constantly meeting the family’s needs felt like too much that day. I hid in a quiet corner, took out a pencil and some paper, and started to draw. Art had always been my ‘go-to’ relaxation tool, but I’d forgotten to prioritise it and it was really showing. I’d recently completed an online course in Mental Health for Children and Young People with the West London College; facts and ideas were buzzing around my brain. 

The more I drew, the more I relaxed and started to wonder how this might help other people too. I like language but I often think in pictures and was trying to illustrate ways to help us feel better. We can communicate so simply and quickly with an image. My children were so curious, they asked questions and wanted to add colour to my drawings. It felt really good to be sharing an easy, calm and creative activity with them. 

I shared my idea and what I had drawn with Carly and a few close friends. They loved it! We soon started talking about how we could develop and share the exciting approach and make an essential contribution to charities who offer mental health support and education to children and young people. 

We've learned a lot so far and set up as a social enterprise. We couldn’t have got this far this quickly without the help of our supportive friends. We are very grateful!
Our Mentors
We knew that we couldn't start this journey on our own. This is why we consult and collaborate with people who dedicate their lives to improving young  people’s  mental health and wellbeing. Our carefully selected panel of advisors in mental health, youth support and education work with us to make sure that we offer you the most up-to-date information available in the most accessible and relevant way. 
Clinical Psychologist
Youth Worker 
Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo
Artist, Art Therapist and Psychotherapist
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